Tuesday, November 17, 2009


DMSS5 - Wk10

int analogData; // outgoing ADC value
int digitalPin;
int i; //used for the loop
byte x = 0; //byte to store digital status

void setup() {
//setup serial baudrate is set at the highest speed for USB connection
//enable digital pullups. All digital pins are set high
//and will only output change when connected to ground
digitalPin = i;
pinMode(digitalPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(digitalPin, HIGH); //enable internal pullups

//Main Loop
void loop() { //read the digital pins in one go
x = PIND;
x = x >> 2; // Shift by 2 to avoid TX and RX pins
Serial.print(x, BYTE);

/* get analog in, for the number enabled */
analogData = analogRead(0); // Read current analog pin value
Serial.print(analogData >> 7, BYTE); // shift high bits into output byte
Serial.print(analogData % 128, BYTE); // mod by 128 for the small byte

analogData = analogRead(1); // Read current analog pin value
Serial.print(analogData >> 7, BYTE); // shift high bits into output byte
Serial.print(analogData % 128, BYTE); // mod by 128 for the small byte

Serial.print(255, BYTE); // end of digital signifier


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Accelerometer and proximity reader


This week we just got familiar and tested out the acceleometer and the proximity sensor. They wererelatively simple and the diagrams below pretty much explain it all: